Peckover Primary School Prospectus - page 6-7

At Peckover we teach all the National Curriculum subjects required for primary schools in
England. These comprise core subjects of Maths, English, Science, ICT and RE and the six
foundation subjects of History, Geography, Design Technology, Music, Art and PE.
The curriculum is based on teaching the skills that the children need to know from all of the
subject areas and has been developed as a creative curriculum in which the children have a
large input into what they want to learn. Maths tends to be taught discretely but English skills
are incorporated into the themes that the children have chosen that term.
The curriculum is planned and evaluated by the teaching and support staff on a termly basis to
ensure that all the skills are covered, progression is in place across the school and the children’s
needs and interests are followed.
There is a strong emphasis placed upon speaking and listening and drama when children
are given opportunities to share ideas, discuss opinions and express themselves clearly and
confidently, showing sensitivity to the views of others.
Children are also part of the school council, playground buddies, interpreters and class friends
in order to develop their citizenship skills. Through Personal, Social and Health and Citizenship
Education (PSHCE) we aim to develop each child’s self-esteem, confidence and independence
using the principles of the Social Emotional Aspects of Learning programme (SEAL).
Teaching reading is very much a partnership between home
and school. In school the children are taught reading through
guided reading sessions as part of a group activity and are
heard individually as much as possible. They start by learning to
recognise common words and letter sounds or phonics. Much
emphasis is placed upon children’s understanding of the text
and this skill is developed through questioning and discussion.
The children are introduced to a variety of texts including a
wide range of different story books, information books and
poetry as well as magazines, newspaper and computer text.
We have a colour coded reading system and children progress
through the colours as their reading improves.
We also have a well-stocked library. The children have a weekly
session in the library and can borrow books. We expect children
to read at home every day and we use incentives to encourage
children to read.
We have a library of dual language books, reflecting the
languages spoken by children in our school. We use
these to include parents in their child’s reading.
Maths is taught as a discrete subject throughout the school.
We have devised our own programmes of studies based on the
National Curriculum. The emphasis is on applying basic skills to
problem solving and investigative type work. Maths is also taught
on a practical level using children’s own experiences to embed
concepts. Children recall number facts on a daily basis. Tables
are regularly practised and are part of homework for weekly
tests. Maths is also explored throughout the curriculum as part
of the topics covered.
1,2-3,4-5 8-9,10-11,12
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