BWT is proud to play its part in the DFE’s new Trust to Trust mentor programme

The new pilot Trust to Trust mentor programme has been developed by the Department for Education to partner MATs at different stages of development in a peer mentoring relationship. The relationship will operate on the basis of a single trust mentoring one other trust.
The DfE says: ‘The aim of the programme is to benefit the trust seeking support as a mentee through providing opportunities to observe effective practice and, in particular, identify and determine their development needs. It also aims to enhance the role of the trust acting as a mentor as a school leader through sharing their respective understanding, knowledge and leadership skills.’
Trust CEO Dr Andrew Campbell said: ‘As a Trust we put a high value on working collaboratively. As a mentor trust, it means that we can share what we have learned about school improvement, development and structure with others who are at an earlier stage of development. The aim is for others to benefit from the lessons we’ve learned along the way since being established in 2012.
‘Throughout our organisation we strongly encourage all our staff to work collaboratively to drive improvements and this is a tangible example of that ethos at Trust level. We have a talented and professional Trust leadership team who have expertise to share. Of course the mentor relationship is two-way. It will be hugely beneficial for us to learn more about what other Trusts are doing and I’ve no doubt we will adapt some of their ideas into our own organisation.’