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Compass Primary School


Reading at Peckover

At Peckover, we believe all children, will meet or exceed, the expected standard by the time they leave our school. We recognise that being able to read is a key skill for life for all children and we believe that every child can learn to read with the right teaching and support. We strive to make the teaching and learning of English an integral part of our curriculum. Our aim is that every child leaves Peckover Primary School a confident, fluent reader who loves reading and has a reading age that at least matches their chronological age.

Children will develop a lifelong love of reading.

Reading for pleasure is an entitlement of every child.

Speaking and listening, writing and reading are taught on a daily basis. Language and communication underpin everything we do.

We provide a rich a canon of literature, which includes books underpinned by the research of Doug Lemov and other carefully selected books where children encounter characters, situations and viewpoints that mirror their own lives, but also books which give them a window into the lives of others.




Please see the a video link from Wisbech library:

Our new film

Here is the link for you  . The film is just over 5 ½ minutes long and shows families how to join the library and what we have on offer.

Library joining link

Core Values