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Compass Primary School

Reading Curriculum

Peckover Reading Strategy

At Peckover we prioritise language and communication; these skills are taught throughout the curriculum and, as much as possible in a purposeful context. The National curriculum for English is used by all staff as the key tool to planning in order to provide clear progression and expectations  within Key stage 1 and Key stage 2.


Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Our aim is for every child to leave Peckover a fluent and life-long reader. All children are taught reading and listen to high quality texts read by the class teacher daily. We faithfully follow 'Read Write Inc' from Nursery, throughout KS1 as our main way of teaching phonics and early reading skills, we also use Read Write Inc for those children in Key Stage 2 who need some extra support. We ensure children are exposed to quality texts as they journey through the school, and have carefully selected a range of fiction and non-fiction books which we feel will build cultural capital, foster a love of reading and enhance the curriculum.


We instil a sense of awe and wonder around books and we provide children with memorable experiences which connect learning to read with pleasure. Our tranquil library is well used by children, who have times to enjoy books.


At Peckover, we follow Read Write Inc . Every Phonics lesson recaps on known sounds and introduced new sounds. Children apply their learning to writing daily. Reading books closely match the phonic sounds children are learning.

Regular sharing of books at home with carers is hugely beneficial in helping children to consolidate their learning and enjoy special times together with books. 


Class Reads

Children are read to daily to ensure they experience a rich and varied diet of reading regardless of their ability to decode text. Teachers will endeavour to share their love of literature with their classes. A range of authors and genres will be covered throughout the year – particularly each year groups focus authors. These are authors whose writing the children will meet across the year and become familiar with. 

Open the attachment below to see how the skills of reading progress throughout the school.

Core Values