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Compass Primary School

Reading for pleasure

We believe that it is important that adults show their love of books. Children hear an adult read a book on a daily basis. Teachers show passion and enjoyment when reading. Adult knowledge of books is constantly developing.

Book areas

At Peckover, we have dedicated book areas in our classrooms, each one a mini-library of carefully chosen books that reflect the culture and background of our children as well as exposing children to high quality texts containing modern day classics, traditional tales, poetry and books chosen by the children themselves.

It is from this selection of books teachers read aloud to the children their daily story, showing the joy of literature. At Peckover, we have planned daily story times where quality texts are read in a calm, quiet environment.

Our Library

We are very proud of our school library; it is a calm attractive space where children can browse and select books by their favourite authors, read newspapers and enjoy books with their friends. We make sure all children have dedicated time in the library each week.

Core Values