Reading in Key Stage 2
Developing fluency and comprehension
Once children have successfully completed the Read, Write, Inc. phonics scheme they progress onto daily reading sessions in class. These daily sessions of an hour each focus on strategies to develop fluency and language comprehension with texts chosen at the correct level with progression throughout KS2. Teachers use a range of strategies to develop these skills. Where appropriate, these genre texts are linked to the curriculum. There will be opportunities to read across the curriculum including geography, art, science etc.
Alongside the teaching of reading fluency, children are taught the skills of comprehension.
The teaching of vocabulary
In every reading lesson, there is an opportunity to develop vocabulary. We also develop subject specific vocabulary in all lessons such as maths, geography, history and science etc. The development of vocabulary further supports children's language comprehension.
The teaching of Latin
At Peckover, children learn Latin to further develop their vocabulary through an understanding of etymology and morphology. 60% of English words derive from Latin or Greek, this rises to 90% in the academic language of science and technology.